10 September 2009

Sign of Allah: Torture in a tomb

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mungkin ALLAH SWT nk tunjuk kepada kita mengenai azab kubur

Sign of Allah: Torture in a tomb
Tanda kebesaran Allah / Siksa kubur

On this photo a 18-year old young man who died in one of hospitals of Oman .
Di photo ini adalah seorang pemuda berusia 18 tahun yang meninggal di salah satu rumah sakit di oman.

The corpse of the boy has been dug out from a tomb in 3 hours after his funeral under the insisting of his father.
Mayat pemuda tersebut digali kembali dari kuburnya setelah 3 jam di makamkan yang di saksikan oleh ayahnya .

The boy died in hospital and has been buried under the Islamic law and on the same day after obligatory ablution of the body.
Pemuda tersebut meninggal dirumah sakit dan setelah di mandikan di makamkan secara islam di hari itu juga .

However after funeral the father has doubted of the diagnosis of doctors and wanted to identify the true reason of his death.
Tetapi setelah pemakaman, ayahnya merasa ragu atas diagnosa doktor dan menginginkan untuk di identifikasi kebenaran penyebab kematianya.

Relatives and his friends shocked when they saw the corpse.
Seluruh kerabat dan teman-temannya begitu terkejut ketika mereka melihat kondisi mayat .

He was completely different within 3 hours.
Mayat tersebu sangat berbeza dalam masa 3 jam.

He turned grey as the very old man,
dia berubah tampak ke abu-abuan seperti orang yang sudah tua .

with traces of obvious tortures and the most severe beating,
Dengan tampak jelas bekas siksaan dan pukulan yang amat keras

and with the broken bones of hands and legs, with the edges broken and pressed into a body.
dan dengan tulang-tulang kaki dan tangan yang hancur begitu juga ujung ujungnya sehingga menekan kebadannya.

All His body and face were full of bruise.
Seluruh badan dan mukanya memar.

The open eyes-showed hopeless fear and pain.
Matanya yang terbuka memerlihatkan ketakutan, kesakitan dan keputusasaan.

The blood obviously attributes that the boy has been subjected to the most severe torture. Darah yang begitu jelas menandakan bahwa pemuda tersebut sedang mendapatkan siksaan yang amat berat.

Close relatives of the dead man have addressed to Islamic scientists who have unequivocally declared that it is available results of tomb torture which the Allah ( s.w.t) and in the Hadis of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) have warned.
Sebagai penutup dari orang yang meninggal tersebut semuanya di tujukan kepada Ilmu pengetahuan tentang Islam yang mana tidak dapat dimungkiri lagi keterangannya bahwa siksa kubur itu benar adanya seperti yang di peringatkan oleh ALLAH SWT dan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.

The shocked father of the boy has admitted that his son was spoilt, did not do Solat, and had a carefree way of life, having involved in different sins.

Each died person comes across tests in the tomb for exception Shahids who died in Jihad on the way of Allah. This is first terrible test which the person comes across before the Doomsday.

Semoga kisah tadi menjadi ktibar..

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